Beute FT 17 painting

Started painting this little fellow.

Primer- mix of automotive plastic primer and toluene thinner.
Base coat- mix of Tamiya's white, buff, and Lifecolor's sand- gray, few drops of AK thinner for acrylics, and some gloss varnish.
Exhaust base color- Lifecolor dark rust.

Got the 3 color polish camouflage colors sorted.
Based on the Lifecolor set, but with lightened green. Brown straight from the bottle.
Some chipping using hairspray technique.

Once the paints have dried overnight i put it all together to see where the colors need adjusting to tie it up more.

Resprayed the large brown patch on the right side of the hull.
Painted the sponson numbers, and the name on the turret.
Now the step, that makes the model look bad, before it can be nice.
Using dry brush with light base color i blended the camo patches.
Then the very diluted buff was sprayed all over to blend it even more.
After some oils the effect should be pleasing.
Yellow filter was applied with vertical motion over the whole vehicle.

Wash, pinwash, more fading, and some streaking. All done with oils.

Chipping done.
Some pigment mud on the lower part of the hull.

Final assembly: