Kit part is laughable, Aires seat isnt perfect either.
I decided to build the seat from scratch, but its shape is so complex it will be while before its done.
While working on the seat i painted the cockpit in the RLM 66 color.
First i used the Tamiya XF-63 with few drops of XF-19 Sky Grey.
Highlights were done with thin XF-19, and shadows with X-19 Smoke mixed with drop of XF-50 Field Blue.
Next were oils:
Update on: 12/08/2010
Finally i have completed building the seat. The Aires seat had wrong shape.
Frame under the seat is modified kit part.
The padding was made using the Magic Sculp.
After painting it i will add the seatbelt from RB Productions.
Update on 14/08/2010
The floor completed.
Update on 16/08/2010
Dry brushing technique was used to highlight the details of the floor, and seat.
The seatbelts weathered with wet pigments.
Some more tweaking required before its done.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kamil!
ReplyDeleteI realy appreciate that comment, especially from such prolific builder as yourself.
Pięknie wygląda, sie zapowiada długi lot...
ReplyDeleteSilniczek masz już?
Dzieki Iras- ciesze sie, ze Ci sie podoba.
ReplyDeleteNie bede jednak instalowal silnika, po prostu zamkne wszystkie luki, a w zamian wyeksponuje kabine, ktora bedzie otwarta.
Mam piekna PE owiewke z RB productions i mam ochote ja zrobic na Tip Top. Jak wyjdzie- zobaczymy.